Tag Archives: sunrise

Dieng Plateau – Goddess Gods Dwelling Place

7 Mar

Dieng Plateau is a natural place 30 km from the town of Wonosobo, exactly on the border of the District Festival and Wonosobo. Dieng plateau has many small temples located in the beautiful highlands of ancient volcanic. Not only that there are also several caves in which there are no hot springs, but it also contained some Dieng lake is beautiful as the scenery.

In this place you can see the Hindu-style temple with a beautiful and unique architecture. In addition it also has a tourist area Dieng Plateau Theater that provides information on the surrounding natural keajadian Dieng. This movie theater holds 100 seats, has a beautiful garden and very comfortable to relax while you are pampered with a beautiful panorama of the surrounding mountain range.

The name ‘Dieng’ itself comes from Sanskrit is “Di” meaning high place and “Hyang,” which means place of the gods and goddesses. Interpreted later as the residence of the gods and goddesses. There is also the mean of the Java language that is “adi” means beautiful, combined with the word “Aeng” which means bizarre. Local residents sometimes interpret it as a beautiful place filled with spiritual atmosphere.

Dieng plateau above the land like a cloud. Lay at an altitude of 2,000 m above sea level makes the air cool and refreshing as well as a thick fog covered. Because of this stunning beauty is believed that the Dieng was chosen as a sacred place where bersemayamnya gods and goddesses.

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